Threat of National Assembly Boycott Presents Royal Conundrum

Despite the opposition CNRP’s ongoing threats to boycott the opening of parliament next Monday, the National Assembly on Tuesday officially announced that King Norodom Sihamoni will open the first session of the new legislature as scheduled. “On Monday, September 23, at 8 o’clock in the morning, the National Assembly in the fifth mandate will open the first session under the chairmanship of His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni,” the Assembly’s general secretariat said in a statement. The Constitution requires the King to open parliament within 60 days of the last national election. … Political analyst Kem Ley said that the decision to convene the As­sembly without the CNRP would likely alienate the nearly one half of the country’s electorate that voted for the opposition in July. … But, if no agreement is reached, [Political analyst] Mr. [Kem] Ley predicted that it would be the CPP that would ask for the delay, so as not to put the monarchy, as a beloved institution, in a compromising situation vis-à-vis the competing political parties. …

Zsombor Peter